It is the year 2020, and all plans and goals were shifted entirely. Jobs we thought were going to yield promotions and raises; ended for many and changed to work-from-home – not well for the extroverts. We all quickly needed to recall what our toast during our New Years’ Eve celebrations was, and as for resolutions, it became apparent to everyone, whatever they were, it was already put on pause like the rest of the world. This year has become the year of revelation; all things exposed. We are forced to look at what has been hidden and ignored. We now have to address the parts of our health we have neglected or were too busy to cater to.
Our mind, body, and spirit need our full attention. All three parts of us are vital to the quality of life we intend to experience, as we all co-exist with each other. Like plants, we need soil, light, and water. If you cater to all three of the plant needs and how each part needs to be addressed for the overall health, the plant will do well; if not, the plant will die. Most people do not see the roots rotting until they see a noticeable change in the plant, and such is like our bodies.
The average household is trying to maintain basic needs, safety, financial stability, food, and housing. It is easy to neglect the most valuable asset needed to ensure that the primary requirements for self, community, and/or family are met. We forget to take care of ourselves. There is so much on our minds, and it is constant. As an adult, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. This statement has caused so many anxiety attacks.
Laughter is a great medicinal choice. However, laughter cannot be the only option.
De-cluttering your mind to achieve your goals and create space to be open to other alternative ways to experience alignment within the self – is absolutely necessary, particularly concerning busy people, individuals who have experienced trauma and is living with it – sadly passing it down consciously or unconsciously to others. For those who desire to take better care of their lives and are continually finding themselves starting a new fad or trend only to find they have stopped and haven’t returned to whence they came from – that book you are still trying to read, the treadmill that now collects clothes and that yoga mat that is still waiting for you to grace it with your presence, we have all done this; start something and stop.
This happens because we know something is missing, something needs our attention, and usually, we assume it is either our body and or our mind. Many of us are afraid to address the spiritual part of us, it is the deepest part of ourselves we put last because we are too nervous to focus on what it may uncover. We overwork our mind and body. Instead of de-cluttering, we add more to what is already there. We are not clearing up our thoughts, which we then carry on and in our bodies.
Ex. You want to achieve a particular goal. The goal, to either lose weight or organize your life (why am I always making the same mistake?) Ask yourself what is the most crucial challenge you need to overcome in your life right now. Most people will begin to discuss their basic needs, rent, mortgage, taxes, payment, food, success, family, and job security. Many people don’t realize it is this clutter in their minds that prevents them from honoring themselves alongside their primary needs. Most people ignore their overall health – mind, body, spirit – as one entity to create the balance needed to achieve their goals and remain consistently aligned - as for some others, they don’t believe it is possible.
It is.
It is not when there is too much rumination. It disrupts your body and spirit. Let’s go back to the example. Your mind is cluttered, and therefore, each time you are trying to lose weight, you realize you cannot lose a pound. You are doing everything. Unfortunately, stress adds weight to your body, therefore, eating “right” isn’t helping, you don’t see a change, get stressed, and resort to eating your comfort food. You are trying to organize your space, create a peaceful home life, choose a partner that isn’t reflective of the unhealthy relationship in your past, and yet you find yourself back in the same situation, you need to de-clutter your mind.
The worksheets that I created will enable you to tackle a goal one by one. Realistically most busy people/trauma healing individuals cannot handle juggling to-do tasks and take care of themselves, which are goal-related. If your goal is to work on your body, we need to address what the obstacle around losing the weight may be and the distractions that may pose a threat to the success of this goal. How? Stressing over your livelihood will cause you to forget the importance of why the goal was necessary to achieve.
When setting one goal, you must identify why it is essential to achieve that said goal; it is the accountability you are giving to yourself. You must also be specific. You want to lose weight? How much? Duration? (In how many months or years you desire to loose that said amount of weight) What part of your body will you focus on? Is there a diet plan involved?
Upon discovering the one goal you will focus on, you will not feel overwhelmed. Now that you have identified what you need to focus on, you must check in with your mental state. You must be responsible for recognizing when you have a moment that will propel you into a destructive and distracting place to completing your goal. Good stress is knowing what your issues are and having the tools to address them...
My freebies teach you how to de-clutter your mind and reset your goals.
What will you receive?
A goal monthly planner, which prompts you to focus on one goal at a time, the de- clutter your mind worksheet gently allows you to address your emotions intentionally, and the mental check-in print out: a quick glance at your mental health during the week. The last worksheet; it reminds you to stop and take care of your spirit. I need a break - the quarantine relief, allows you to tap into your emotions in a way that isn’t reflective of your goals, but you the person. It may be the last, but undoubtedly useful to your spiritual health, especially during this pandemic.
Whether you believe in the virus or not, it is affecting us all.
Your goals, just like your primary concerns, need you. Recognizing your spiritual needs will help you maintain your mental and physical needs appropriately. I have learned giving your body and mind the space it needs to unwind is spiritual. In that moment of stillness, your thoughts have time to be free, and if you are willing, you can catch them and take as much time as you need to address each topic as it appears.
You may learn you are struggling with organizing your life and de-cluttering your mind because you are spending more time concerned about other people’s issues, and you are projecting it as your own. You may discover you have problems with losing weight because you haven’t addressed an issue that needs your attention. Most times, we stuff down our emotions to just get through the day – be intentional, de-clutter your mind, keep track of your feelings, and take a break. This will gently allow yourself to genuinely identify where your distractions are leaking from; discover what’s mentally and physically blocking you.
De-cluttering your mind is necessary; it promotes growth and evolution, it makes way for you to listen and be still enough to give yourself permission to reset and equitably achieve your goals.
Cheers to the possibilities of a healthier year.